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Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#57 closed enhancement (worksforme)

Include NTupleInputMaker input type enum in ROOT dict

Reported by: cvermilion Owned by: cvermilion
Priority: minor Component: IO
Version: 5.0 Keywords:


currently have to specify input type as an int since the enum values aren't visible in Python, e.g.:

pileupInput = createNtupleInputMaker(filename=pileupFile, treename='MB_Py8', inputprefix=, Nvar='Nparticles', momentumVars=mbVars, inputType=4 )

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by cvermilion

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

Never mind; the input type enum is available, eg:

pileupInput = createNtupleInputMaker(filename=pileupFile, treename='MB_Py8', inputprefix='',\
 Nvar='Nparticles', momentumVars=mbVars, inputType=SJ.NtupleInputMaker.PxPyPzE_array_float )
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