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{5} Assigned, Active Tickets by Owner (Full Description) (16 matches)

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cvermilion (16 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Milestone Type Created
#5 Cleanup JetCollection interface JetCore cleanup Nov 17, 2010

The JetCollection interface has gotten really bloated (my fault!). We should trim back what it does, and make the big picture sensible. The goal should be to bring JetCollection and ClusterSequence as close together as possible while retaining easy subjet modification.

#6 Storable JetHistory JetCore enhancement Nov 17, 2010

Allow JetHistory to be stored in a ROOT file. This can then be used by the GUI. I believe a working version is in the spartyjet_newhistory branch, but this branch is very outdated, so merging will probably be tricky.

#7 Make sure all tools/plugins are documented doc enhancement Nov 17, 2010

Check the manual to make sure all JetTools and external plugins are documented. As many as feasible should be included in the examples.

This was largely done for 3.5; I'm moving to 4.0 to remind us to document anything we add before then!

#12 Revise Python wrapping python enhancement Nov 17, 2010

We should consider using SWIG instead of PyROOT as the Python wrapper to FastJet and SpartyJet internals. The ROOT dictionary system is pretty ugly, and not everyone wants to deal with ROOT (just having a Python interface to FastJet would be nice!).

Also, classes that won't end up being store in a file don't need ROOT dictionaries. (Anything seen by the user in a Python script needs either a PyROOT or SWIG wrapper.)

#21 Check phi conventions misc task Jan 12, 2011

PseudoJet::phi() returns [0,2pi], but I think our old convention was [-pi,pi] (see recent versions of EventView?.cc, eg). We should change phi() to phi_std() everywhere that it matters! Potentially a big bug somewhere, maybe not.

#22 store record of tool chain misc enhancement Jan 14, 2011

It would be great if the output ROOT file included the original script that generated it! (Requested by Sal Rappoccio.)

#23 Beam thrust moment tool JetTools enhancement Jan 24, 2011

Add a JetMomentTool? implementing beam thrust (see talk by Neubert at Boston Jet Workshop, etc.).

#24 N-jettiness JetTools enhancement Jan 24, 2011

Add an N-jettiness event moment. Should be very similar to N-subjettiness, which has already been implemented.

#40 Clarify Moment storage JetCore task May 15, 2011

The way JetMomentMaps get passed around now seems somewhat confusing. Do they go with the JetCollection or with the JetAnalysis?

#41 Code cleanup misc cleanup May 15, 2011

The codebase is a mess; spacing, underscores vs. CamelCase, weird naming, etc. Go through the whole thing at once and clean up! (There are tools for this, no?)

#43 JetMoment<vector<float> > JetTools defect May 24, 2011

Storage of zcutMoment doesn't seem to work, presumably related to ROOT choking on the vector<float>. For some reason almost all stored moments only appear to have two elements. (GUI gives tons of errors when trying to plot $$_zcut[2].)

#47 Ditau tagging JetTools task Aug 17, 2011

Add a di-tau tagger, based on Tuhin's paper or Brock's (haven't looked if they're the same). Suggested by Tuhin, who sent me code for charged particle ID.

#48 Create PyInputMaker python enhancement Sep 7, 2011

Want an analogue to FourVecInput for use in Python scripts. PyFourVecInput : FourVecInput :: TPySelector : TSelector (in PROOF). Basically, need a C++ class that expects to be called from Python. Should anticipate that a Python class will derive from it, so do the PyObject* function calls, a la TPySelector.

#49 Rework jet moments JetCore task Sep 10, 2011

Instead of a JetMomentMap that lives with a JetCollection, jet moments should be associated with jets. The current approach makes it difficult to write tools in terms of jets, because you need access to the JMM to set moments. Thus basically every jet-based tool has the exact same few lines of code that does the loop. There's got to be a better way!

Possibly solved by moving toward full PseudoJet behavior for Jets? JetCollection as a PseudoJetStructureBase?

#50 Document setup better doc enhancement Sep 21, 2011

Several features of getting SJ running could be better documented/done. At minimum:

  • To use Python features, ROOT must be built with PyROOT enabled, and ROOTSYS/lib must be in your PYTHONPATH.
  • FastJet is currently being linked dynamically, which means that FASTJET/lib must be in (DY)LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
  • Right now the build requires that you have configured FastJet to include !SISCone, but this is not FastJet's default configuration. Only use !SISCone if the user has it!

#52 Fault tolerance JetCore defect Dec 10, 2011

Lots of SJ components crash/segfault when bad input is given (e.g., input makers with invalid files names). Clean this up and fail gracefully!

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